CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

And the impossible has happened...

Yes. Lafayette beat Lehigh this past weekend in their 140th Meeting. 24 to 10. 24 to 10!!!

What does that all mean???

1) Lafayette ROCKS! and Lehigh SUCKS!!! (i have shirts that tell me that)

2) Lafayette is now playing Delaware in the NCAA Division 1-AA Playoffs. Yeah, thats never happened before on College Hill.

So I am all about traditions. This game is the longest running, most played college football rivalry. 140 times. Thats a lot of football. Thats a lot of college drinking fun. So, in keeping with tradition, me and Justin went over to the Smith house. Watched the game (yeah, we actually get an ABE station in medford), played some beirut and started drinking WAY before it was dark out. What a fabulous tradition. I'm sure next year will be more of the same if anyone else cares to join us : )

This is a fabulous week. To be more precise, a 2.5 day work week. and 2 of the days are over. I am elated. I am all happy because I get to go home early tomorrow, have yummies on thursday and go shopping on friday! Awww yeah. waking up at the crack of dawn on a friday to go shopping in delaware. It is my favorite holiday tradition. Just the girls, some shopping and Don Pablo's. Glorious.

Well, I get to go home soon and then it is glorious fajita night and then some much needed sleep.

If you haven't seen the Incredibles, its adorable, go see it.

Peace out.

1 comment:

Trip Thomas said...

Woo! Black Friday Shopping!! Woop!