CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Mmmm Shoppy Shoppy

Black friday was a fun time yet again this year. YAY shoppie and Don Pablo's. The mall was way crowded outside, but the lines inside were surprisingly not bad. People in the stores on the other hand, dumb as a rock. The scariest one was the lady behind Lacey in line that put her head pretty much on Lacey's shoulder. It was weird.

Hey...26 more days until Christmas.

I have found a new and exciting service (which I am sure many have heard of before, but perhaps have not used). ACME delivers to my door. For $10. If you refer back to the October 26th Entry you will understand why I will employ this tool for my future grocery shopping needs.

I put up my Christmas tree over the long weekend. Its so cute. and fake. and covered in crazified ornaments. Hooray! Now all I have to do is wrap things and put thm under my tree and find my stocking and hopefully not light it on fire in the fireplace that it will hang on. Good thing the fireplace is controlled with a light switch.

I am the bestest sister ever. Last night, i drove down to Woodbury with my brother to drop off his car at the car place and then drove him to philly. and in about 10 short minutes, I get to pick him up in philly and then drive him back to Woodbury. Good thing I am going to be coming home right around rush hour. Yippee Hooray!

Danielle is coming to visit this weekend. Anyone have any suggestions on bars to go to in center city? anyone want to come with us?

Its time for me to go drive over a bridge now! Buh byes!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

And the impossible has happened...

Yes. Lafayette beat Lehigh this past weekend in their 140th Meeting. 24 to 10. 24 to 10!!!

What does that all mean???

1) Lafayette ROCKS! and Lehigh SUCKS!!! (i have shirts that tell me that)

2) Lafayette is now playing Delaware in the NCAA Division 1-AA Playoffs. Yeah, thats never happened before on College Hill.

So I am all about traditions. This game is the longest running, most played college football rivalry. 140 times. Thats a lot of football. Thats a lot of college drinking fun. So, in keeping with tradition, me and Justin went over to the Smith house. Watched the game (yeah, we actually get an ABE station in medford), played some beirut and started drinking WAY before it was dark out. What a fabulous tradition. I'm sure next year will be more of the same if anyone else cares to join us : )

This is a fabulous week. To be more precise, a 2.5 day work week. and 2 of the days are over. I am elated. I am all happy because I get to go home early tomorrow, have yummies on thursday and go shopping on friday! Awww yeah. waking up at the crack of dawn on a friday to go shopping in delaware. It is my favorite holiday tradition. Just the girls, some shopping and Don Pablo's. Glorious.

Well, I get to go home soon and then it is glorious fajita night and then some much needed sleep.

If you haven't seen the Incredibles, its adorable, go see it.

Peace out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Are you Serious?!?!?

Its been a reasonably uneventful week.

2 days this week, I have rolled into the lovely office at about 6:45am. I know. That sounds like it rocks. Yesterday (aka that day I got to come in at normal time), I stayed until about 5:45.

I hate year end!

This morning, I went down to the break room at about 8:10 to make myself a yummy cup of Mandarin Spice Tea. It is De-lish. I'm stirring in my sweet and low. I get freaking paged. I'm like, "oh crap, the printer probably exploded and I must come to the rescue!" Wouldn't it be cool if I were paged for something useful???

No. I ran back to my desk to staple 3 packets together. I feel like it took more effort to page me then it would have to just stapled the damn packets.

It makes me feel less inclined to do more important things around here.

So we have all these cheeseball motivational posters around the office. I think they are dumb. I'm not motivated. I have never seen anyone walk by one and be like "OHHHHHH now I must go achieve my goals! Good thing I walked past that poster!"

The one nearest to my desk reads: Attitude is the little thing that makes a BIG difference.

And the picture is of a rain drop falling into still water.


Over the past few weeks, I have been making fun of them on a constant basis. So last night, Justin sends me a link, which I am sure many of you have seen, and I have decided that THIS is going to be the new motivation poster to be displayed near my desk.

Perhaps a few people around here will find it funny.

The others probably won't even notice that the poster has changed.

So I'm gonna go make me some more tea and sit here until its time to go home. Today has been far too long and its only 2:15...

Go Eagles!
Go Lafayette!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Space that is My Office...

or as I like to call it...My Foam Lined Cell.

In the theme of Rob's blog, I am going to talk about one of my favoritest movies...

Office Space. It has become my life...

Oh no! Not again! Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper
jam?!! I, I swear to God, one of these days, I, I, I just kick this
piece of shit out the window!!!

you and me both, man. The thing is lucky I'm not armed.

Which brings me to why I am posting today.

My beloved HP LaserJet 4300N. Otherwise known as the 1013. Also otherwise known as Thomas Jefferson. (I have 2 other printers: Zachary Taylor (1022) and Martin Van Buren (1018)...they keep me company). Thomas Jefferson is located in the "Admin" area. So its about 3 cubes away (approx 30 feet). The other 2 printers are located within my cube. (Yes, I have the largest cube in the office, the most printers and the most computers...I am slowly but surely taking over cube at a time). You might ask, "why would you use the Thomas if you have 2 printers in your cube?" Good question. Martin is a Solid Ink Color Laser. Zachary is a multi-purpose laser. The Thomas is a high speed laser. When I print anything over about 20 pages, its the easiest place to print it. SOOOOOO fast. and in the winter, I use it as a warming device. Paper come off SOOOOOO hot.

You might also ask, "why are the pritners named after presidents?" Yes, another good question. I didn't name them. If I had, they would all be characters from Disney Creations (i.e. Capt Jack Sparrow, Figment, Eeyore, Sulley). Steve, the uber tech guy, named them. He used to work in the VA Beach office and said he liked it when people would call him and tell him that "George Washington was being a squeaky bitch" Nuff said.

Moving along...

We've been having some "issues" with the Thomas. I send something to print. It blinks. Its like a sad little puppy that needs attention. I go over to the printer. It continues to blink. The LED says "paper jam". Now that is all well and good if there were a freaking paper jam. No. No. No paper jam. Every 3rd time you print it says there is a paper jam. Wanna know the solution to said paper jam?

Lift the top lid. Shut the lid. It prints. How does that make ANY sense???

So this little issue has been going on for about 7 months. A guy came in the other day. I'm sending stuff to print. I stand up to go get my printings. The printer is in about 9 pieces on the floor. Hmmmm, need to send to other printer. Well since I was sending a VERY large job (80 pages) it took quite awhile.

Getting to the point. Looks like the random guy who took apart the printer fixed it!!!!


So today, I go to print 2 copies of a 1 page insurance report...

The first page comes out.

"PCX Error:...**9)00. Undefined Range" comes out on the next page.

The second page comes out.

Oh Thomas Jefferson, why do you hate me so???

But I guess fixing that is for another day.

And if, if they take my stapler, I will, I will set this building on

Not really though...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

And this was the "not office appropriate" costume. I'm a witch. Or as Lauren said, "a cracked out ballerina" I could see how you could make that mistake when I don't have my hat on. Anyway, Sarah is an 80's girl and Lacey is Guenviere. Excellent party...still don't know how I got the burn on my arm. But then again, there are so many things from that night that I don't remember. Posted by Hello

So this is my custume for the office halloween party. I didn't win, but at least I was office appropriate... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

hehehehehe Monkey

You are a MONKEY!
You rock my sox! You wear your emotions on your
sleeve, and is LOUD LOUD LOUD!

Monkey? Pizza? Death? Oompa Loompa?
brought to you by Quizilla

Now onto other things...

I actually voted yesterday. We won't go into the specifics as to why i shouldn't have voted (not that i didn't want to, but that i shouldn't) but I just wanted everyone to know that I did my duty as an American and drove my ass an hour from cherry hill to medford to vote at shawnee. and then drove back to marlton.

Work has gotten CRAZIFIED! The phone has been ringing off the hook today. I am covered in insurance paperwork and a little bit of brokerage paperwork. But thats all good news. We're is good. and they give me candy. Mmmmm reese's.

Know what I am in dire need of??? A day of shoe shopping. Oh, I am also in dire need of someone else paying for said shoes.

I think I need to go back to work now. Next time I post, I shall have pictures of Halloween costumes and fun things like that.

Now back to the paperwork...