CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Its Almost Christmas!!!

Its a wonderful time of the year.

I am going to be the happiest person in the world on December 23rd : )

I just spent about an hour downloading statements from one account. Statements from 1999. I feel like we don't need to reference them anymore. Clearly, I am mistaken.

Someone gave me a chocolate bar today, so I am a little bouncing off the walls. Ya know, in the "I have a severe head cold" kind of way. Its very weird.

I have a picture of Ender up in my cube. He's barking at the camera (he looks a little scary). Its here to keep evil people away. It doesn't seem to be working so far. Several people have come to my desk today.

We saw Blade Trinity last night. It was vampire-tastic.
Finding Neverland rocked. It was Johnny Depp-licious. And soooooooo GOOD!

11 Days until Christmas. I know I am "old" now but my parents still ask for a christmas list...every year but this year. That actually kind of scares me, primarily because they asked my brother, who is 30, for a list. Maybe they will just give me a bazillion dollars. Or a purple mini convertible. More than likely, I will get a sweater or 12.

My christmas tree is all pretty and ornamented. I have all the presents wrapped. I went a little crazy this year. Everyone has their own wrapping paper. While it eliminates the need for tags, it increases the amount of paper I need to buy. Oh well. Its pretty.

What is with fortune cookie fortunes lately??? They suck. The last 3 that I have gotten have said pretty much the same thing: You will travel for business and/or pleasure. I didn't need a cookie to tell me I'm gonna be hopping around the country for the next 6 months. Mmmm cookie.

So I took a random mid-week trip to VA last week. I like being spontaneous. I don't like studying for the ChFC. Good thing I don't have an exam until like March.

There is one thing that I like to do that I almost never do on work days. Late Lunch. If you take a 2pm lunch, you get back at 3 and then you get to leave in 2 hours. That is pretty kick ass. That is if you can make it to 2pm without killing anyone.

Oooooo Random Poll time:

If I were to go on Survivor, how quickly do you think I would be voted out?

I don't think I would be the first to go...but who knows...

And my final thought for the day...

No more fuzzy camel colored sweaters. They are turning all of my black dresses hairy and camel colored.

1 comment:

Chris Condon said...

But think about the fuzzy camels. What are they to do?