CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I figured I would post while I sit here and wait for software to load. This is perhaps the slowest program to ever run on a network. Oh and they improved it. I just have one thing to say about that... Illustrate This!


I cleaned all of saturday. I'm talking 9am to 6pm. Now everything is all sparkly clean. Carpets have been vacuumed, counters scrubed, bills filed, clothes are folded, others are on hangers. One small problem. My closet isn't big enough. Or really even close to big enough. Some clothes have migrated to the coat closet. Thats weird. I need a giant walk in closet. a house (or townhouse).

So last night, I was talking to my father and he's all like, hey, you should buy a living place...because for the amount of rent I'm paying, I could have a mortgage.

Problem #1...need down payment.
Perhaps I should have thought about the whole buying thing about a year ago...ya know, before I spent all my money. Oh wait, I did...didnt want to buy anything then.

Problem #2...The place that I drove by that looks nice...$360K...for a townhouse. I feel like I could buy a whole house, with some property for that amount.

Problem #3...I can't move EVERY year, like I have been since 1998. I know, most people don't like to move and while I am not so fond of the actual moving day, its kind of fun to have a new place every year. I guess it would also be nice to not to have to put my life into boxes every 11 months...

I think it might be time to look for cheaper places or keep renting.

Sunday was also good. It started off with me wanting to go to the grocery store. I was out of cinnamon life and eggs, so I couldn't bake anymore cookies. So, off to the grocery store. Never again will I go to the Shoprite on 70 in Marlton. People there SUCK. So after about 40 mins in the store and getting only about 3 of the 17 items on my list, I decide its time to hit the express lane and get the hell out of there. So, I leave and go to the ACME in Medford. Not so much better...I didn't even get out of my car because there reaall wasn't any parking. What have I learned from this? Never go to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon.

YAY Eagles winning. Booo overtime and that really f-ing bad call that got the Browns the last touchdown. WTF???

Me and Lacey went to Pier 1 because we had a 40% off coupon (yay Lacey's mommie for know people!!!). How cool is that? I got a wine rack (holds 15 bottles) and a whole crap load of other stuff. I saved $100. Sweet.

Yesterday was a random day. 90% of it was boring as hell...

It took me 40 mins to get to work (it normally takes 16) yes, I know, 16. Every hardly ever changes, except for yesterday. Why did it take 40 mins, you ask? I got stuck behind a tractor. Huh? A tractor in rush hour? Yeah. I take 70 west to Old Cuthbert Road. Thats that road after D&Q and before 295N. Right after I pull off of 70, theres a tractor. He's going 15. Wait...where is he going??? There is no farm or farm type area anywhere around here...

Ok, so, I'll pass him. No! 1) Its a double line and I can't remember the rules around passing farm equipment. 2) He's not driving off to the side (there is no shoulder, but its not a narrow lane). 3) there is oncoming traffic.

After Old Cuthbert, I make a left onto Chapel Ave, which takes me directly to my office. Yeah, I think the tractor had the same idea I did...lets go to Cherry Hill. Looks like the max speed on this bad boy is 25mph, downhill.

Long story short, me (and now 14 other cars) are stuck behind this for 4 miles. When we finally cross over Kings highway, he goes into the shoulder. Hooray!!! Now I can fast and get to work only like 15 mins late. Oh right...speed limit is now 25. and I'm behind a school bus.

Wound up getting here about 20 mins late...but its ok, 3 of the 14 cars behind me were also going to my office.

Story Number 2.

I return to ACME last night to complete my grocery shopping. I collect the 14 other items on my list (and a few others) and I go to self check out. One of my items isn't recognized in the system (yay, I am on the cutting edge of baking) and the lady who works the self check out goes and looks up the price. As I'm standing there, waiting, someone comes over to my scanny place, puts his basket down and stands right next to me. like RIGHT next to me. First thought "um, you're a little close." Don't really wanna look at said person because its a little weird...take small step in opposite direction. He's still standing there. So, I decide now might be a good time to look at him. Yeah, its James. First thing he says "You were probably thinking 'you're standing awfully close'" Yeah. Pretty much. He scared the hell out of me.

I worked on the largest spreadsheet I have ever seen yesterday. I mean, I know, there have to be bigger but the final cell on this thing was AF347. DUDE...almost every cell had a number (many of which had a 15 cell referenced formula, i hate bolean logic). The best was all about tax. Namely, estate tax. It gives me a headache just thinking about it now.

Ohhhhh hooray!!! The program is finally done loading. If you actually read this far down, I am impressed. Peace out.

1 comment:

Tim and Kristin's House said...

yeah, so I totally get the moving thing. 15 times for me now (not including college). I never ever ever want to move again. This last one sucked...shipping half my shit by UPS!

so, the spreadsheet thing? yeah. I did unnecessary data entry for 5 summers. SOOOO many spreadsheets. SOOO many formulas. *kicks excel*

I wanna be on the cutting edge of baking :(