CafeMom Tickers

Friday, October 22, 2004

Back to School


Somehow, yesterday, I found myself enrolled back at college...

Anyone else, aside from me, confused yet?

Over the past several months here, I have been debating the time frame for when to get my securities license (luckily, I already have my insurance license). I am deathly afraid of this test (series 7) for really no good reason. So, I have been side stepping it for the better part of the year.

Yesterday I was informed that I am to obtain the Series 7 or a giant pile of prefessional designations. Still confused? I'll try to explain...

I work in the Financial Services industry (for those of you who don't know exactly what I do...) primarily in the Insurance side (because I haven't taken the Series 7). We do estate planning for the $5M+ net worth market. Within this planning, we utilize Insurance, Investments and Legal Documents to expand the wealth of Individuals at their death (and in many instances, during their lifetime). Clients with A LOT of money like to know that the person handling said money is qualified. Hence the professional designations.

Ok, you with me? Good.

So, yesterday, I took it upon myself to get my ass in gear and I enrolled at The American College to pursue my ChFC. That stands for Chartered Financial Consultant. From what I understand, this is THE place to get these designations. I feel special that they will take all of my money.

The ChFC consists of about 8 classes. Taken about 1 or 2 at a time. The first of which is "Insurance and Financial Planning" Sounds so thrilling, doesn't it? Well thats what I am enrolled in now. My final exam is to be taken in December. I don't have my books yet. November is going to be a thrilling month primarily consisting of me reading a very large book, some of the reading will be done in Bryn Mawr, where the college is located.

When I finally complete my ChFC, I will then take classes for the CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter). Then after that, CFP(r) (they get pissed when you leave off the r). That stands for Certified Financial Planner.

I'm thinking I will finish all of these by the end of next year. Sometime in between there, I have to take the Series 7. Feel free to start a betting pool as to when I will actually take it.

There is a point to this story...

By the end of 2005, I'll mail everyone my business card.

It shall read:

Kristen Cole CLU, ChFC, CFP(r) <----this will actually be a R in a circle.
Registered Representative

So many Initials. I feel special (or rather, I will in a year). and no, I still won't be able to get you eagles tickets.

Then all of you can give me all your money to play with. YAY! Isn't that scary? (By the way, if you have insurance needs PRIOR to the end of next year, call me...I'm already allowed to do that.)

Onto the next thoughts...

The leaves are finally turning colors. For a few weeks there, when the leaves were just dead and falling off the trees, I really thought we weren't going to have a pretty fall. HOORAY!!! the leaves are pretty.

Last night was Fajita thursday with a Survivor chaser. I have a few comments to make here.

1. Chris makes an excellent fajita.

2. Why do all the women on this season have giant boobs? (unlike past seasons with people like Sue, the rather unattractive canadian and Lillian, the old boy scout troop leader) Even the old ladies on this show seem to be more attractive...and then there's the guys...hotness is not exuding from their pores. So sad.

3. Ender slept on me. Sooooooo cute. I'm laying on the loveseat, he takes a running start from the other side of the room, jumps on my stomach and curls up. He stared at Lacey for a little while and finally fell asleep. The dog snores. I don't know why find that sooo funny. Soon he is not going to be a lap dog (i think that is debatable at this point as well) His head was on my shoulder, his bum was mid thigh. He kept me warm. It was wonderful.

4. Does anyone want to get me a miniature pot bellied pig (preferably black and white)?
Yeah, didn't think so.


When did halloween become so anti-climactic? I feel like I need to have kids in so that there will be a purpose for me dressing up and having candy. Ohhh the days in college of crazy parties and dressing up as a prostitute and going to wawa and having the easton police be standing there and looking at you funny and then your friend comes in behind you, dressed up like a cow or something and then they realize that you aren't actually a whore, you're just dressed up for a halloween party that isn't actually on halloween. Oh how I miss those days. Someone do something (ie, joe, make a decision)!!!

Why is it so freaking cold in the office??? I actually went to my car to day and found more clothes. Perhaps I am a freak.

And speaking of going to my car today, I went out there, and the woman in the car next to mine was like rockin out to gospel. Windows down (its like 50 degrees out) stereo way up and she is like banging on the steering wheel. I'm just standing there like where is my sweater?

So thats about all from here.

Go Eagles!


Tim and Kristin's House said...

wow...that post was nice and random!
Yay for back to school!


Chris Condon said...

On my first read-thru, I definitely saw "Certified Life Underwater."

Can you get that certification, too?