CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Its fun to feel like poo for 2 weeks.


I lost my voice and I've gone through about 3 boxes of tissues. It's pretty fun!!!!

I'm finally on Season 4 of the Sopranos (its only taken a few months...). Does anyone know when Season 6 starts?

So I was up in Philly last weekend. In 3 days, I spent about 32 hours in my new office. Some of us moved out to an office in Exton, PA. I actually have an office (ya know, like with a door). So thats cool. Its nice. Its new. Its pretty.

Its snowing here, so thats going to make driving home tomorrow super fun. And no matter where I go, its already, decorations, santa. People around here already have their christmas trees up and illuminated at night. Meh! Its not Thanksgiving yet!!! Though we did go any buy icicle lights and crap like that last night. At least we didn't put them up yet.

Know what the coolest thing ever (that happened last weekend) is? Lafayette beat Lehigh. WOOOOOOOOO!!! We watched the game on an internet feed. The one on Yahoo isn't bad.

We also found a pizza place that isn't OHMYGOD gross. HOORAY for not gross. Well at least found that to be pretty exciting.

So I'm gonna go pack so we can come home tomorrow. I hope everyone has a super duper thanksgiving. Don't go into a massive turkey coma or anything...