CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'm almost Outie!

Well, this will probably be my last official post as a NJ resident. Its a little weird. I mean, I have lived out of the state before...with that whole college thing, but I always had my badge of license. The only license that looked like a fake but sadly (until senior year) always said I was under 21. Since the Jerz finally caught up to the rest of the country and decided to not just have laminated construction paper, I saw it fitting to move.

So here I am, sitting at my desk for my last 3 days working in an office (oh god I hope I don't have to come in on monday). I have an entire side of my wardrobe that will soon be rendered obsolite. So many cute shoes that won't be worn on a regular basis. But the weird part is really not coming to an office everyday. I kind of got used to it. As much as office life sucks, with the no consistant A/C system...the weird people...the stupid copier...the foam lined cells (also known as a cubilcle)...its gonna be weird. I'm gonna get up in the morning and walk to another room. apartment is naked. NAKED! We left one pot and one pan out of boxes, just in case we might need to make something warm before next monday. But my garage is full of stuff. The little MINI doesn't fit in there anymore. But there's always more stuff to move down there. Yeah...I have a lot of stuff. I've been told too much stuff, but I like it.

So thats about it. I cleaned out my desk (i have just enough stuff in it to be able to work for the next 3 days). I have underwriting to finish up and then thats it. But no matter how weird it is to be leaving here, I am really excited. I can't wait. I really am going to miss everyone though (It was great to see everyone at Chris and Katie's wedding!!! Congratulations!!!). Feel free to come visit us in Southwest VA!